Quote Originally Posted by robmedina View Post
out on the kayak with buddy Mike- Bought 30 dollars worth of blood worms and grass shrimp to target the perch and stripers in a river in Atlantic County. AS we were pedaling north I got a call from work- mike decided to troll a half ounce white bucktail with a pink zoom trailer. within minutes he hooks up. he releases and within a few more minutes he hooks up and releases again. Both were in the 20" range. I get off the phone we troll around a little more- I have on a red lead head with white swim bait- neither of us hit- but we were marking fish. So we anchor up and through out the bait. I got a couple nibbles on my hi lo but that's it. After about a half hour we decide to go back to trolling bucktails. I had a yellow with an otter tail. Mike had his white pink zoom combo- He hooks up again. He brings the fish in and I ask what size BT- I put the same size on with the red otter tail and cast out- boom I am in. so they wanted white and half ounce. I ended up with 6 total, biggest was around 32"- he bent the hook and I lost him right at the yak. Mikey ended up with 9 total. He kept two of his for the table, All mine went back in. Oh yeah- outgoing tide. Water temp 55 degrees.

Awesome report thanks for sharing. Amazing that there would be such a difference between yellow and white when it came to your catches.