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Thread: Big Blues in OC

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Cherry Hill, NJ

    Default Big Blues in OC

    Me and my buddy Mike put in in the back side of the bay and looked for fish. Nothing was biting where we were. Heard on the radio the blues were biting at an area that was about 6 miles from us. We decided to head towards the inlet- about 4 miles one way. still couldn't find anything. No visible signs, no birds etc. We actualy followed the outgoing tide out to the inlet and withing 30 minutes of being the there the tide turned to incoming. We started heading back to the launch. I dropped a 1/2 oz bucktail with a pink trailer in. Let it fall to the bottom and got smacked by a 32" bruiser. When I landed him I could see he had sea lice on him so he was fresh from the ocean. Landed 2 more and lost 2- with an SP bullet.
    It was about 7pm now and I still had 4 miles to get back so I high tailed it back but my buddy mike kept fishing all the way in. He caught 5 more and made it back after dark.

    A guy at the boat ramp asked where I was fishing and said he thought he saw me out there and then asked if I saw all the large sharks jumping out of the water after the blue and I am glad I didnt see that LOL!

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails bigblue.jpg  

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