Quote Originally Posted by DarkSkies View Post

The Calm Response and Strategy:

1. I was calm but assertive....and presented a non-threatening citizen for when the police rolled up. The homeowner, on the other hand..... had been agitated and argumentative.

2. I had all my ID and documents ready for presentation. Am always respectful of law enforcement..... I have many friends who work in the field. When they asked my version of the story, I calmly explained how I was not trespassing as he claimed, and my fishing access was backed by the Constitution and the Public Trust Doctrine. That I had originally intended to leave, but as he became hostile to me and my fishing there.....I decided to stay........I also said if they wanted to write me a ticket, we could go to court, and decide in front of a judge if I had legal access or not.. I was fully prepared to be the test case for Public Trust Access in that town.
haha you must have taken a chill pill that day brother. I don't remember you as being THAT calm, especially with the hand gestures. Thanks for sticking up for us though, good job. We really could have used you when they closed the public lots at whale creek down at night. Damn shame.