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Thread: Mamaroneck Harbor closed to shore fishing?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Default Mamaroneck Harbor closed to shore fishing?

    This came from another site, anyone have any other info?

    Shore fishing has been banned in about 99% of Mamaroneck harbor.
    The village board acted in response to the mayhem that occurred when the word got out that big blues had trapped a huge amount of bunker and the fishing was great.
    The usual suspects went to work and boats were damaged and plugs and bait were flying through the air with no regard to the rights of property owners or human safety and of this was accompanied by the usual garbage buildup.
    The police department offered to increase enforcement but the village board took the easy way and banned fishing.

  2. #2
    pinhead44 Guest


    I wasn't there for the bloodbath, but my buddy said it was because of all the trash. I don't understand why they don't allow the police to go there and write tickets, they could have made a lot of money that way.

    Now, we all suffer because of a few idiots.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Seems like it might have gone beyond the trash. According to some people, some fishermen might have been dinging the gel coats of the boats with the snag hooks and plugs. At the very least, it seems like some fishermen were casting near these boats to snag bunker or fish for bluefish. That's the only way the boat owners could have accumulated the snag hooks and lost plugs on their boats.

    Angry boat owners registered complaints. Now the boat owners have complained to local officials, and apparently police are suggesting fishermen only fish the pier.

    Sometimes, there is a lot of talk about how many rights fishermen have, yet in this case it was ok for them to disrespect the property of the boat owners. Seems like a selfish few ruined it for everyone.

    Here's some comments from the NE guys, hope its ok to post here:

    "Its true. They dont allow fishing from the shore in the harbor anymore. And I dont blame them. When there were those massive blitzes the past 2 weeks, there were 50 guys there, casting over boats with snags, poppers and plugs. Many times hitting boats and damaging them.

    That area CANT handle more then 10-15 people fishing and there were 50 fishing at one time.

    If people stuck just to the pier area, it would have been fine. But people decided to walk along the boats and marina and cast from there, right over boat slips. "

    "From the 8/25/08 Village Board meeting:


    Mr. Phil Capillo of Harmon Drive appeared to address a problem with fishing at Harbor Island Park. Mr. Capillo has a boat in the west basin at Harbor Island. His boat has been hit many times with lures and fishing hooks with the running of the blue fish. Mr. Capillo showed the Board the lures and hooks that he has collected off of his boat. Mayor Savolt informed Mr. Capillo that this was brought to the Board’s attention and will be addressed at the next meeting. Police Chief Flynn offered to have Police Officers suggest people fishing move to the fishing pier until this is addressed. "

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Fishlipper, here's another quote from that thread, seems like a certain percent of fishermen just don't care about the property of others:

    "Looks like this has already been hashed out here. I’m generally against any type of overregulation, save-us-from-ourselves type of legislation. But it was WAY out of hand in the harbor there for a while. It’s a pretty tight harbor, and you can easily lob a bunker snag or a plug from shore across to any of the moored boats. Coming back through the harbor at 10 at night was like running the gauntlet – I have zero problems waiting while someone is fighting a fish in front of me, but when there is a narrow channel, and guys keep casting right in front of your boat so that you can’t move, and then start cursing you and intentionally casting towards your boat when you are trying to just get back to the dock, then its out of hand. My boat was hit at least twice that I know of, had one guy snag one of the rods my boat with his plug, stuff was stolen off boats at my yard, and I came across two different rafts – the $39.99 two person inflatable dingys with guys fishing from them at night – in the middle of this mess. First off, they were very difficult to see with no lights – put themselves in danger paddling around unlit, very low to the water in a harbor full of boats and flying bunker snags. I’m sighting down the channel as I’m coming in (slower than idle speed due to the mess) and they come out of nowhere from between some moored boats at the last minute, I actually had to throw it into reverse so that I didn’t hit them, and I was only going about 2-3mph. Second – those boats get a rip in them if you sneeze too hard – how in the world do you land a bluefish in one without it getting sliced open and going down. I saw them pull two good sized blues inside the boat, very surprised that they didn’t have more problems. Just dumb.

    Again, I HATE seeing restrictions put in place, but it was downright dangerous and property was getting damaged. "

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by stormchaser View Post
    Again, I HATE seeing restrictions put in place, but it was downright dangerous and property was getting damaged. "

    think this right here says it all. Dumbasses, and we have to pay for their stupidity.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Have a friend who moors his boat in that harbor, it really was getting out of hand. How would you feel if you worked all season to keep your boat in good condition, and some selfish jack-off comes by and dings it?

  7. #7
    pinhead44 Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by captnemo View Post
    Have a friend who moors his boat in that harbor, it really was getting out of hand. How would you feel if you worked all season to keep your boat in good condition, and some selfish jack-off comes by and dings it?

    I would be sitting there with a bb gun, dinging them with the bbs as they dinged my boat.

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