I have a friend I sent this article to. He told me it disturbed him, because he saw himself in it.

Well, he was supposed to pass a test which was his entry into making $100k/yr, and now he has to study it again and re-take it. One of the reasons he didn't pass that test is he is addicted, like me,to fishing. He's one of the most fanatic fishermen I know. He has been at the right place at the right time so many times this year I'm a little jealous. He has scored record fish, but he puts in record time looking for them.

People talk about "Do you want to fish, or need to fish?" He, and I, need to fish. I don't know what I would do if I was in an accident, put in a wheelchair, and couldn't fish the surf.

The thing with me is if I have responsibility to finish something, I stick with it until it's done, and then go fishing. I have missed so many hot bites because I had things I was in the middle of finishing.

Yet the fish wait for no one. They don't care if you are busy or not, if you have family committments, they are there when they are there, anfd then they are gone.

I know that, and he lnows that, that's why he's in on so many great bites. His family comes first, but after that, priority is catching fish. I'm putting this up there because maybe someone else will see themselves as being this way. No judgements here, we all have to make our own choices.

However, my friend might come back to this thread one day, and read what I wrote. Dude, you could be the governor if you wanted to. Your potential is unlimited, So study up and pass that test, I'm hopin for the best.