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Thread: Meeting with the NJ DEP Last night:

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Default Meeting with the NJ DEP Last night:

    10/27 Fisherman’s Access Group Meeting with the NJ DEP:

    Last night we met with the NJ DEP and went over the proposed changes that we the Fisherman’s Access Group had put forth to the DEP.There where 12 of us in attendance along with a group of 4 from the DEP.The meeting started with a discussion about legal terms and how they can be mis-interpreted ,but we soon found a common ground. From this point on it went very well in my opinion. From our original list of 17 concerns which we submitted to the DEP in July of 2011 they agreed and submitted for a change 16 of these points. We as a group where very pleased.
    Of these concerns we had going in to this meeting some of the stand out points we brought up where #1 All current tidal water access points shall be maintained They agreed the ruling N.J.A.C.7:7E-8.11(b)2 states the following,” All existing public access to, and along tidal waterways and their shores shall be maintained to the maximum extent practicable. This is a homerun for us. We also found out that the DEP has an enforcement branch that we as fisherman can contact when we find town’s closing access points, or otherwise messing with our public access.
    Our second and in my opinion a point that would have ruined fishing for me, was in regards to 24/7 access .Like myself many of you ply our passion in the wee hours of the night so 24/7 access and parking are up most importance to us. This is what the DEP changed the wording to--- Proposed N.J.A.C. 7:7E-8.11(d)1 states the following, “Municipal Public Access Plans shall incorporate fishing access and associated amenities, including parking that accommodates nighttime fishing for a reasonable duration of time, to the maximum extent practicable on or adjacent to tidal waterways and their shores. In the case of a beach, fishing access shall not be required in areas designated for swimming during hours designated for swimming.”
    All in all this meeting went very well even as much as the DEP has assigned a division the Office of Land use Planning to work hand in hand with us in regards to future access. This is in regards to towns or municipalities applying for permits for new construction, beach/dune replenishment, bulkhead/bridge repair construction ect…in tidal water areas. The will also involve The Division of Fish and Wildlife and any other appropriate DEP Division as needed for their expertise.
    We are also going to be working with the DEP specifically Elizabeth Semple on creating a public access map of all of the public tidal water access points in the state of NJ. This undertaking in enormous in scope and we will need all of the help we can get from everyone in our community. This course of action is to start in the very near future and will be posted on the NJ DEP’s Web site in an interactive map system.
    -----All in all we the members of the Fisherman’s access team feel that the DEP has been straight up with us, addressed all of our concerns, even reached out and asked us for help designing this public access rule. My hat is off to them. IF you would like to view the documents and changes we discussed. Please feel free to contact me and I will send them out to you. Your input is greatly appreciated ion fact they asked for it. The DEP is looking to put this baby to bed by this coming December 2011 and any and all changes need to be made and adopted by that time. If you have any questions thoughts or concerns please feel free to contact me at My name is Jim.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Ocean County,NJ


    thanks for going and representing us, nice to see other people get off their Arsh and do something for everyone.

    Pay attention to what history has taught us or be prepared to relive it again

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Jim, that is great. I'm glad to hear. Thank you for your efforts. I'm sure everyone appreciates it very much.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    Yep, I've been getting the updates from Diane Dow but haven't had time to post them. I am very grateful for people like FishinCrazy/ Jim who go out of their way to attend these meetings and keep us informed.

    I want people to know, that Jim travels all the way from PA everytime there is one of these meetings in NJ.
    Some folks live in the same county, and still havent shown up to show support to any one of these meetings.

    I can't see inside your lives to know if you would have been able to make these meetings...only you would know that...and the purpose of my words here is not to chastize, but encourage anyone who can, to attend.

    We have slowly had access removed because of poor behavior on the part of fishermen,, from Lacey Twp to the Monmouth County would be very easy for the LBI towns to enact restrictive parking that would specifically hurt the fishermen and guys who are out there at night. This would thereby effectively shut down fishing without violating Constitutional Rights or the Public Trust Doctrine...

    Thanks again, Jim, for all ya do.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Thank you fishcrazy!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by DarkSkies View Post
    Yep, I've been getting the updates from Diane Dow but haven't had time to post them. I am very grateful for people like FishinCrazy/ Jim who go out of their way to attend these meetings and keep us informed.

    I want people to know, that Jim travels all the way from PA everytime there is one of these meetings in NJ.
    Some folks live in the same county, and still havent shown up to show support to any one of these meetings.

    I can't see inside your lives to know if you would have been able to make these meetings...only you would know that...and the purpose of my words here is not to chastize, but encourage anyone who can, to attend.

    We have slowly had access removed because of poor behavior on the part of fishermen,, from Lacey Twp to the Monmouth County would be very easy for the LBI towns to enact restrictive parking that would specifically hurt the fishermen and guys who are out there at night. This would thereby effectively shut down fishing without violating Constitutional Rights or the Public Trust Doctrine...

    Thanks again, Jim, for all ya do.
    Rich it's funny you bring up that bridge incident we brought that up and the DEP is going to look into it.They think those bridges should be open!!


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Down the Shore


    Nice job! When the mapping of all access points begins, you should and the state should as well consider marking each access point with its GPS location. It locks in the location and it can be developed into a accurate map that shows the location by address and GPS Coodinates.

    Tell the State of NJ that NY State thru the Hudson River Estuary Management Advisory Committee mapped 91 public access points for boaters, anglers, hunters and the general public this way. You can go online and find the map with directions to each location. It covered both sides of the Hudson River 100 miles from Albany to Yonkers, NY. I did the field GPS locations for the HR in 2002. The Hudson River also designates each river mile starting at the Battery at the tip of Manhattan north to the Federal Dam just north of Troy, NY The Battery is Zero and the Federal Dam is Hudson River Mile 160. Since the Jersey Shore is just as unique as the Hudson River you might want to suggest a Jersey Shore Mile begining at Cape May and ending at Sandy Hook.. The Hudson River miles are designated as HRM 1 or HRM 157, etc. The Jersey Shore Could be JSM 1 and the tipe of Sandy Hook JSM 119.

    Something to think about. If you need any help, I'm available.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    RJC That's awesome!The DEP has a GIS System which they believe will do all of the things you mentioned.Drop me a line at'd sure my associates from the fisherman's access group would like to speak with you.I could also introduce you to the people in charge or the DEP's division of Land usage these are the folks who are going to be creating this system.I look forward to talking with you.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Thanks for that, fishing crazy.

  10. #10
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    Oct 2024

  11. #11
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