December 24, 2008


The rewards of sobriety are bountiful and as progressive
as the disease they counteract.
Certainly among these rewards for me are release from the prison of uniqueness,
and the realization that participation in the AA way of life
is a blessing and a privilege beyond estimate
-- a blessing to live a life free from the pain and degradation of drinking,
and filled with the joy of useful, sober living,
and a privilege to grow in sobriety one day at a time
and bring the message of hope as it was brought to me.

Thought to Ponder....

I had to get sober to be amazed.

Amen, it is a blessing and a privelege to be sober today.

There are thousands out there still suffering. They will struggle in pain and lost opportunities until they make the decision enough is ehough. There are also people who I have seen come through the doors, became friends with, was impressed with their recovery, and they're now dead because they went back out. All you hqve to do to keep your memory green is go to meetings and look around. If someone asks for your help there, reach out and help them. Your help might be the lifeline they need to begin building a solid foundation, one day at a time.

Holidays are the worst time for us because we take stock of our lives and the visions we see are not pretty. Coupled with dysfunctional family relationships, many think of killing themselves this time of year.

Someone I was close to killed himself 4 years ago around this time, the date of his death just passed about 2 weeks ago. He was depressed and was too "smart" to talk to anyone about it, so now he's dead.

I'm not a guy who can come up with profound prayers, but on this morning of Christmas Eve, I'd like to offer a prayer for all the still suffering alcoholics and addicts out there:

God, I ask that you continue to help these suffering alcoholics and addicts, and all people who are having trouble in their family and primary relationships, whether alcoholics or not, at this time of year. Sometimes people need just a glimmer of hope to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I pray that through your inspiration, and the reaching out of others, sometimes strangers, these people can see the light and find their way....Amen.