December 30, 2008


We are like the passengers of a great liner
the moment after rescue from shipwreck when camaraderie, joyousness
and democracy pervade the vessel from steerage to Captain's Table.
Unlike the feelings of the ship's passengers, however,
our joy in escape from disaster does not subside as we go our individual ways.
The feeling of having shared in a common peril
is one element in the powerful cement which binds us.
But that in itself would never have held us together as we are now joined.

Thought to Ponder....
When all seems lost, hanging on a little longer
never fails to bring mysterious help.

I thought that was a pretty cool reading. We realize we have common ground when we go to meetings and come together in fellowship. This feeling still exists for me when I'm not at meetings, when I meet someone who is struggling with alcoholism and addiction, and who needs my help.

Even though religion isn't as big a part of my life as it could be, whenever I see someone in trouble, I think that could be me, but for the grace of God. It has been me many times in the past, downtrodden and looking for a helping hand to help me out of my misery.

Something I remember about going to rehab and the early meetings I usedd to go to says: If I see a fellow alcoholic struggling and he/she asks for help, I am obligated to help that person if I want to follow the principles of the program.