Quote Originally Posted by stripercrazy View Post
I have seen some really amazing creations here, it looks like some of you guys have been building for 20 years.

So what got you started?


being a member of another large site with waay too many restrictions I saw many plugs built by big names,small names and such,Rm Smith,afterhours,habs,beachmaster,whomever.
I became stagnant at the newbies that really believe that they need to have any of the mentioned names to catch a fish.
Then,folks charging super high prices for these pieces.
are they purrdy?,yes they are,are the built well?,yes they are,do they catch more fish than other plugs?,,,NOPE!
I became sick of hearing about this designer plug crap and ya gotta ave one of these so,I decided to go at it.

I pondered the idea of making my own for about 2 years but I had no space for a lathe BUT,at my shop,I have a stand up belt sander.

my borderline genius mind began churning,my knowing that I have an eye that can see a 25 foot straight piece being 1 inch off from level at either end decided to try it.
I took an oak shovel handle that was broken and began shaping it on the belt sander.that day I did 4 blanks.
they were 99% perfect and with some fine sanding,they were 100% true.
after I had them finished,it was full speed ahead till now.
what you see posted on this wonderful site is what I progressed from last februaray 11th.

I also got tips from Jerry Kelly on Hot epoxy wood sealing,which worked perfectly and I use it on all my work.
Now,for my success fishing with my own,lets just say my 08 was wonderful!
if you need more info about that aspect just ask Monty to tell his story he'll share with us all.]

How did you go about it in the beginning? - handcarves, ready to go kits, then graduating to the lathe, or the sander, in the case of rip plugger?

What were some of your biggest mistakes in the beginning?

[actually,I had no mistakes at all,I built the plug in my head first then copied it to wood.I did have 3 out of 102 that did not swim right but I made a new lip and it did it's thing,,,I didn't tell you,I make my own lips as well,from 040 or 063 gauge aluminum.]

Was there a time when you said: this sux, I'm terrible, the hell with it, time for the beer!

[Hell No,I pushed the hammer down even more and now,I am doing very well with it,although,I am known to do a Ballantine ale at times!]

when you couldn't get something to turn right?

[I have been lucky I guess,it always goes smoothly.]

How did you guys learn about the weights, it seems they can make or break how a great plug swims - how long did it take you to figure that kind of stuff out?

[I don't do many weights at all,I believe I only did weights 5 times or so,I can feel the correct placement and shape of the lip to handle any waggling problems.]

I appreciate all advice guys, as much as you can to help a newbie who is on the fence. thanks
[I don't claim to know much about lathes,but I know how to do it on sandpaper,,rotating sandpaper that is!
if you have a specific question,just pm me m8,K?]
