Credit goes to Darkskies for bringing this important letter back with him from the show. Please ask everyone you know who loves fishing to sign and send it in.

This letter can be sent to:

Montauk Surfcasters' Association
PO Box 497
Montauk, NY 11954

Re: Salt Water Fishing License

Dear Legislators,

On behalf of the New York Coalition for Recreation Fishing, We are writing this letter to express our concerns regarding the proposal of a New York State Salt Water Fishing License. While we feel that a license proposed properly will meet the action necessary to comply with the Federal law (Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Reauthorization Act).

As proposed it does nothing to help an already struggling industry, but appears to be another burden placed on it. Not putting the funds into a Marine District fund only seems to be a tax to help others at the expense and detriment of salt water fishing.

Suggestions include:

Fees to go into a Marine District Fund.
Advisory board for input on use of funds.
Do not hurt an industry already having negative financial impacts, which in turn will only have a negative effect on the economy of New York State.

Thank you for your consideration.

Very truly yours,