I picked this up from another hunting website. This guy lives in the UK:

Originally posted by corvid
Guys I would strongly advise you all to join the NRA or any other large hunting organization , and write to your politicians. As you know the NRA has people who loby in congress to save your freedoms. This I feel is your best chance. If all the hunters in the US joined the NRA the politicians would have an organization of millions to deal with. If you don't stand together you will lose. Thats what happend over here. To many people would not join our shooting organizations. They sat back and let others do it, AND WE LOST! Semi-auotmatic rifles are banned and ALL hand guns are banned. Possession of any unlicensed firearm carries a 5 year prison sentence. I belong to www.basc.org.uk this is our biggest org. If you click on the site look under informatoin on the left side. Click on Advice & Guidance, and you'll be able to read the certficate application forms we have to fill in to own a firearm (rifle) or shotgun. I hope none of this happens to you guys!


This is what we have to look forward to.