A Selfish Program

AA is often referred to as a selfish program,
but it has nothing to do with being selfish in the traditional sense.
In its original and most common usage it means
that when we help others we are, in reality, helping ourselves.
This is true of sponsorship and all manner of Twelve Step work,
from making coffee, setting up meeting halls and cleaning ashtrays
to chairing and leading meetings and all the other service positions.
- Anonymous

Thought to Ponder....

One of Dr. Bob's favorite quotes was, "Faith without works is dead."

This is good to think of because it allows us to focus our energies on something other than drinking or getting high. Helping others also allows us to identify with people and see that we have the same universal types of problems. This isn't always possible when we're drinking ourselves to a stupor, and isolating away from most people.

One thing that I noticed looking at this today is we have over 1000 views for this little insignificant thread, so maybe it's not so insignificant after all. It might be embarassing to put details of your life on the web if you're a recovering alcoholic or addict. What will people think of me if they know that? I'm long past that stage, people who are in my life know all the struggles I've gone through. I don't mind breaking anonymity if there's a chance it may help someone. So I try to put up a post here every day, glad it seems some people have an interest. If anyone is a little apprehensive about the anonymity thing, you can always contact me privately through e-mail if ya need further advice, or maybe are looking to figure which meeting to check out. All contact is as anonymous and confidential as you want it to be.

I keep what I have by giving it away.