Quote Originally Posted by Rip-Plugger View Post
I honestly beleve that it's jst bad words from some that affect the ideas of others.

Very well said ripplugger, you definitely have a lot of wisdom.

That's because some people in this world can't think for themselves, they want to be spoon fed all their knowledge from the internet. Whatever happened to good old fashioned hard work? I posted a thread here about learning to make plugs. A lot of guys chimed in to help me. True, I find it hard to finish projects because of all the things going on with the family. But even getting started made me realize how hard people work to make something. It's a tremendous task to create something and have it come out right. I know like everything else that you can't learn these things overnight. Try to tell that to some of the internet critics who complain about every little feature that isn't perfectly to their liking.

"My rod broke, did anyone know where to get a free one? (were you using it as a wading staff?)

Oh compare and contrast the durability of xxxx plugs against yyyy plugs for me, I'm too lazy to go out and do it myself.

BTW, I'm going out fishing today, can anyone hold my rod for me and bait my pole, I'm too busy texting to fish. "