Quote Originally Posted by surfwalker View Post
I have feelings for an endangered nesting bird and would never harm any. But if I'm walking the wetline, moving and casting, not bait fishing, nowhere near the dunes, especially at night, then I should be allowed to pass. I get a kick out of seeing the nest checkers driving their 4x4's through the closed areas, fish tailing in the sand, this is OK? I will never contribute to the demise of these birds, but I've seen some nor'easters knock the hell outta those cages, maybe they are not suppose to survive.

I agree with what you said, surfwalker. I don't consciously hate them, but the above shirt and the signs I see are funny. The closures interfere with my fishing, I can put up with the inconvenience for awhile. When you talk about nest checkers fishtailing through the area, that seems hypocritical on their part. I would be aggravated too. I look forward to the day when they're no longer endangered, wondering if that day will ever come.