well for some guys there are lots of junk reels but i have found that if u do not abuse the tackle it can hold up i had some cheep stuff it did just fine did not push to hard so it was ok a lot of people i see do so many things wrong and then its the reel is bad or the rod sucks stop yanking stop keeping the drag closed dont lift fish that are to big stop puting line on that is too heavy for the rod and reel i still have a south bend reel its big graphite and cheep but that reel has pulled in bass blues tog seabass scup so evan the cheep stuff can get u fish i must say so many guys do things wrong its a shame then bash stuff that dose not break the bank i have one reel that cost me 110 bucks i have no rods over 100 bucks i dont have the wood plugs and i still get some big fish