I will go with enlightentment.
I hardly caught any fish on metal lips until I started using his plugs late August.
With his plugs and his advice I started catching more bass.
I am sure the other plugs work great, but the confidence I had/have in his plugs made me fish harder/smarter and I was a lot more succesful.
The plugs I carry now are:
PlugCaster Pencils
A few misc.
Teasers (tube and bucktail)

So I was enlightened, I have either sold or traded away every plug I paid $20.00 or over for. And had my best 3 months fishing after I started using his plugs (and listening to his advice).

Quote Originally Posted by CharlieTuna View Post
It seems if you compare the first set of pics with the last set, Monty, you are now carrying more of Ripplugger's plugs. Would you call that Evolution, or Enlightenment?