Maiden voyage in the salt this year. My buddy and I found a spot in RB with not another soul within miles. It was probably the last place anyone expected to have good fishing but we received a tip that made it a good possibility and it was. Water was clean and relatively warm. We started at one hour into incoming with the wind having already turned south, unexpectedly since they were predicting E winds. There was no visible sign of bait or fish so it was all blind casting until we hit the sweet spot. The feisty, hungry blues and the one bass (moi, first SW fish of the year, naturally) cooperated for some great topwater action, mostly on poppers. Oftentimes, they kept swiping and missing the poppers, following them all the way within a yard of the shore before turning away. Good fun stuff. Predictably, the bite shut down after it got dark.

No clam, bunker or worm were harmed in the process.