G'Day Captain

The One that I have in the Photo Image is made from MDF. The Shape is Important as well as the Smoothness of Finishing the MDF with very fine Sand Paper, So that the Line gets a smooth Run-Off when you are playing a Fish.and is a simple twist to lock the fish into a holding position to keep the tension on as you would with a Rod. Your arm is your rod therefore the principle is the same to use it like a spring.

However anyone with a degree of Logic lurking in the ol gray matter in the loft. Will appreciate from experience.That Certain Rules must be employed while using the hand line.

Firstly Always just use Nylon that is NOT to Strong like 10lb or so.keep it to 4/6lb. As you may well use it on a High Bridge or Pier and you can understand the implications hoisting a large fish to Unhook it. Again Logic dictates that Care and Thought must be employed,and don't choose a high bridge of say 20 feet or so. Otherwise Returning a Fish, And Newtons Law Of Gravity will kill the fish Going South like a Balistic Anvil.

Another Rule is to use Soft Wire Hooks,Such as The "Gold" Kamasan B100G (Gold) Size 10. These are very soft and will straighten with a good jerk. And I personally "Always" Use Barbless hooks no matter what Species of Fish I am Targeting. (There is no POINT in using a Barb) If you excuse the metaphor or Pun! And would Encourage any Angler to heed that advice.

Many Experienced Anglers will know that there are many times a "Barbed" Hook will fall out of the Fishes Mouth in the Net! and Fishes lips are Pretty Hard and many times the Barb Itself cannot penetrate the hard grisle skin. So Why! Bother using Barbed Hooks.? It dose not matter if you loose a fish or 3, We all loose Fish and we cannot win the Battles all and every time we fish.

No Creature Want's to Die, They all posess and Demontrate there ability to Fight for Survival. Make any Noise at the River Side. The fish will immediately go into Alert Mode! Then You wonder why Your Not Catching Anything. Remember Fishing is in fact "Hunting" Therfore you should adapt to that mode yourself. Stealth and Cunning as well as Observation will Pay Dividends. Consider how you would approach fishing, If you HAD to catch some fish to feed your Family,Rather that Arrive Home Empty Handed. Starved one day and the pressure is on you to Adapt a more Stealthy and Cunning Approach the next day. "Success Only Comes with a Degree of Effort".