Quote Originally Posted by LEON View Post
G'Day Captain

No Creature Want's to Die, They all posess and Demontrate there ability to Fight for Survival.

Make any Noise at the River Side. The fish will immediately go into Alert Mode! Then You wonder why Your Not Catching Anything. Remember Fishing is in fact "Hunting" Therfore you should adapt to that mode yourself. Stealth and Cunning as well as Observation will Pay Dividends.

Consider how you would approach fishing, If you HAD to catch some fish to feed your Family,Rather that Arrive Home Empty Handed. Starved one day and the pressure is on you to Adapt a more Stealthy and Cunning Approach the next day. "Success Only Comes with a Degree of Effort".

Leon, it certainly seems like someone gave you the right tools when they taught you your angling lessons. The last 2 weeks I have been fishing at night, flats, bridges, and various key structure areas. More times than I can count, I have come upon 2 or more guys loudly talking about fishing and what is going on in their lives. I have heard guys discussing their infidelity, fishing "secrets", all sorts of private conversations, etc, because these guys don't realize how far their voices carry.

Stealth, silence, and cunning are the marks of a good hunter in the animal kingdom. We could learn a bit from these animal predators.

Sometimes the fish you are seeking are in only 2 or 3 feet of water. If you think they can't hear your conversations or movements, you're sadly mistaken.

Thanks for pointing out some of the things you have learned. It seems you learned them well. Anytime you come to the US for a visit, drop me a line and I'll take you out fishin. Tight lines, and thanks for the interesting posts. Rich