The Montauk Monster is Found!

May 10th, 2009 | RSS

Since I started this blog last summer, I’ve dedicated quite a bit of time to debunking all theories presented regarding the Montauk Monster. Was it a dog? Was it a pig? A viral marketing ploy? Honestly, it really doesn’t matter at this point as the original carcass was stolen and later disintegrated into a “ball of goo”.
On Wednesday May 5th 2009, I was contacted by a couple that sent a message to the general e-mail box on this website claiming they think they’ve found what appears to be the Montauk Monster. Naturally, I questioned it thinking it was BS, but they seemed credible enough (after a phone conversation of course) to take an hour drive to Southold and see it for myself up close and personal.
Upon discovery, it resembled what everyone saw last summer. This monster was located in Southold, NY on the Bay Area. For those who are unfamiliar with the area, this is the North Fork of Long Island. The beast smelled like a mix of low-tide and rotten garbage. It really smelled horrific. I couldn’t help but take numerous pictures of it and video clips.
The couple who tipped me off loaded the carcass into a garbage bag and took it home with them. We’ve been in correspondence numerous times and have agreed that for the remainder of the week, we’d keep this matter to ourselves. The remains are currently located in Southold in a cooler full of ice.
I wanted to think about the best way to expose this to the public. Since I own this medium, and have a genuine interest in the subject matter, I’d like to be the first to share this you. We did not contact any authorities as from previous experiences; the carcass has been taken from the finders or mysteriously “stolen”. If this is a genetic mishap from Plum Island, we’d like to sell the remains to an independent lab for study. It has become a race against the clock as the couple who originally found “Beastie” are diligently putting more ice into the cooler to keep the carcass fresh.
Also, I’ve thought about the possibilities that this carcass may be carrying H1N1 influenza. (The Swine Flu) Sorry, my mind is racing now, but I haven’t ruled out biological warfare on this yet. A diseased carcass floating in waterways around Long Island could be infecting the water, fish, etc. We still need to remember that Plum Island is where Lyme Disease originated, it’s really not too far fetched to believe that this carcass (if from Plum Island) could be carrying bacteria or disease.
Here is a video clip of our discovery:

After viewing this video above, please keep in mind that my intentions are not waste your time with a recreation of the Blair Witch Project. This video was taken at night on the beach where the monster was found. (Founder’s Landing Park, Southold NY)
I would like your honest opinion even you tell me “it’s a dog!” My intentions from the beginning have been to inform my readers of “The Truth, The Legend, and The Mystery” behind The Montauk Monster, a 2008 phenomenon. Additionally, I’m not interested in going on the Geraldo Rivera show like my buddy Mike did last summer as an eyewitness. It’s a tempting offer taking a limousine full of champagne sent by Geraldo to a TV studio, but I’ll take this time now to politely decline.