Here are some questions to ponder. Depending on where you live you might have different answers. Lets compare.

What is a wahoo?
a) A school fish
b) A high speed blue water predator
c) A mackerel
When and where do they occur?
a) Fall and winter wahoo migrate along the steep drop off of the Bahamas archipelago.
Smaller fish migrate through at this time of year.
b) During spring the largest fish are found in the eastern Bahamas.
c) Summer wahoo are found in both deep water and scattered along the drop off, but not in the vast schools of fall and winter.
How and what do wahoo eat?
a) Small to medium size wahoo eat all types of school baitfish. Ballyhoo, jacks, houndfish, flying fish and small bonito.
b) Large wahoo will seek larger prey like big bonito and tuna. The largest wahoo can slice and dice a 50lb tuna.
c) Wahoo hunt in packs. Small fish will usually be in large schools. The larger fish will be much less numerous.
d) Because of their incredible speed, a wahoo swims up on its prey, grasping it with razor sharp jaws and shaking its head, cutting its prey in pieces.