: (I absolutely can't beat that one Dark, you take the pudding on that one)

My story- I was in college, eating at a Chinese restaurant with my buddies. I was a little drunk at the time, and they dared me to eat some green wasabi with the sushi. Not only did I accept, I boasted that no one would ever be able to beat my achievement. They filled an ice cream plate with wasabi. Armed with 2 glasses of water, I ate 2 ice cream huge scoops of it. I was playing it cool, and they were high fiving me. I was a little nerdy in college, so this made me the king in their eyes. Let's face it, my friends were nerdy too.

About an hour after we got back to the dorm, there was a rumbling in my stomach. I was still a little drunk and ignored it, until it could be ignored no more. I ran to the bathroom. No pudding here, but I had the most explosive diarrhea. I was glad I made that toilet. If I could have added a few colors when I was done, other than the basic putrid brown, they would have called me Picasso. Unfortunately the bad part was I had to clean it up the next morning when I was discovered to be the mad bomber. It's not a good idea to wait till the next day to clean something like that up. The most delicate way I can phrase it was it was like picking dried cement flecks off the sidewalk, after it has dried to the cement that was there already.