I am somewhere between 1 and 3. I can only get out 1x per week (usually) and fish from 1:00 AM till between 7:00 and 9:00 AM. When I can get out more it tends to be getting on the water at 4:30 AM and off whenever I feel like it.
What I was trying to get at in this thread is the difference in the options 1 and 2. Giving up the big fish to enjoy working the beach for fish. That driving around and waiting (although this is a style of fishing) is vastly different than plugging a beach. The times I chose were arbitrary.
Honestly I would rather plug a beach and not catch anything than go out on a crowded jetty and catch a 40 pound fish. I guess to each there own.
We each fish for different reasons.

Quote Originally Posted by jimbob View Post
I like option 1. it describes most of my fishing. option 3 is good once and a while, but I wont be at work the next day.