The reason I put this in the LI fishing forum is that I was fishing there a few times. It's in the back of Jamaica bay, and I was launchin my kayak there. I actually liked the place until some officers rolled up on me early one morning, asked what I was doin there, and said don't worry too much, the bad guys tend to sleep in the daytime.

I know what bad neighborhoods look like, so I could see that there were a few bad blocks, and mostly good blocks of hard-working people.

When I first went there, I was under the impression onlyl Guyanese, Trinidadian, Haitian, and people from the Islands lived there. As I drove around different neighborhoods I could see the differences in a few blocks were like night and day. There are a lot of Hasidim Orthodox Jewish families living there as well.

Some of the neighborhoods are really nice, the taxes aren't bad, and I would consider moving to some of them if work was nearby.

If you love to fish, Jamaica Bay is a great place to live near. I guess all areas have their bad spots.

One thing I noticed consistently is that on weekends a lot of people play their music loud "for the enjoyment of the whole street" What happens if you don't like the kind of music your neighbor is playing? Oh well....

4th of July parties can get out of hand anywhere, but the article brought back memories.

Jul 5, 2009 9:40 am US/Eastern
Firecracker Ire Spurs Shooting On Long Island

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Police said firecrackers been met with gunfire on Long Island.

Nassau County detectives said two men unleashed several bullets on an Inwood street shortly after midnight Sunday because they were angry about firecrackers being thrown at their feet.

Police said one of the approximately seven shots accidentally hit a 28-year-old man in the buttocks. He has been treated and released from a hospital.

Some other rounds hit an apartment building but hurt no one.

Police are looking for the shooters, estimated to be in their early 20s.

As of the last census, Inwood had a population of at least 9,325.