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Thread: Crow Hunting, er, Scouting, 7-10-09

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Raleigh NC

    Default Crow Hunting, er, Scouting, 7-10-09

    Been under the weather and was told to take it easy, but sitting on the riverbank all week got old, so I took my gig on the road. The crows within 20 miles of me have PhDs, so I hit the trail and checked out a neighboring county. Found some excellent areas but very few crows. I am keeping them under my hat till the crows bunch up again in the fall. Then we'll see!

    the dog comes with

    on the road

    now THIS is a find! Acres and acres of head-high pines

    the view from inside

    well hidden, and a stand-up spot to boot

    360 field of vision. Paradise!

    dog, what dog? even the dog is well hidden

    tree line

    under the canopy; Pup, this is the kind of area we were looking for in the heat of the day last time we were out together.

    Nothing happened there, so I went on down the road. I didn't think it could get any better till I hit on THIS

    passed a water hole on the way in; it was covered with doves (isn't that typical, Chuck? lol)

    I called in several bandits here, but they flared. Couldn't figure out why cuz both the dog and I were deep in it. When I left, I saw a sentry posted in this old snag, that I couldn't see from my hide. No wonder they flared! Outsmarted again.

    A few more miles and a few more sets and I was starting to feel it. I decided to make my last stand down this old logging road

    You'll never guess what I found down that road - a water treatment plant! And guess where all the crows in the territory were hanging out in the hot and dry of the day! Right here.

    no sooner did i give a toot on the old Darrell Gibson, than I had a nice murder of crows right in my face. And I mean that literally. I was expecting them to come in just over treetop level - around 25' - but I swear I could have bayoneted them. which unfortunately makes my Mod choke a little tight. I managed to down one, but he landed in some thick stuff that I had no intention of braving.

    Well I am paying for all this today, but I had a fine time, and found some prime hunting areas for the fall. I'm really glad that I decided to go light, and not bring packs and such, just a gun and dog and a coupla hand calls.

    I meant to go hunting, but ended up scouting instead. But I'm sure it will be time well invested towards this fall.

    Thanks for reading,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    New Jersey


    Quote Originally Posted by jonthepain View Post
    The crows within 20 miles of me have PhDs, so I hit the trail and checked out a neighboring county.

    the dog comes with

    I meant to go hunting, but ended up scouting instead. But I'm sure it will be time well invested towards this fall.

    Thanks for reading,
    Crows had PHDs: Great story and pics, beautiful dog, how old is he?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    Nice work, liked the story. You're lucky to have all that open land around you.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Raleigh NC


    Thanks, she's prob 9 or 10. got her at the pound so i'm not sure.

    she's a good dog.

    and yes, it is good to have all the open land around here. i guess that's why i moved out of jersey.

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