Quote Originally Posted by finchaser View Post
One of the main problems is in Virginia and NC they net big fish all winter. The real shame is when the fish start to migrate, the snag and drop guys are there to greet them killing the big breeders to fill ego's. Lagoons and dumpsters are full of big dead whole fish that are discarded. Most people don't have coolers big enough to keep them fresh so they are dumped over board at the dock after the photo shoot. Many marinas, do to this, do not allow carcasses of any kind to to be thrown in the water any longer.

The massacre of big fish each spring now is far worse than prior to the collapse just before the moratoriums went into effect. Just do to the amount of so called anglers and things like bonus tags for 28" fish things are going down hill fast.

There is plenty of food around for bass to eat were just killing them faster than they can reproduce. the big fish that are being killed today are from the moritoium breeding years

Great points, finchaser.

Whenever I have a large problem looming in front of me, I always try to solve it by taking it one step at a time. If so many guys say they are concerned about the future of bass, how many would be in agreement in entirely eliminating the 28" bonus bass tags? It wouldn't be much, but at least it would be a start.

Is there anyone here who might know who to talk to, or how to get this organized, to see if we have a consensus of support to begin this process?