Here's part of my response, stand up for your rights, guys:

"Know your rights guys, don't let people trample on them!

We can't trespass or walk on private property to access our fishing spots, but we CAN and should fish below the high tide lines, and not let people intimidate us fom fishing there.

Unfortunately it would be almost impossible to get 100 guys together, too many would make excuses at the last minute. But count me in anytime any one of you has this in mind. I and a whole lot of other guys got involved in Brookhaven/Shoreham Beach, and most importantly the MSA, LIBBA, and the NYCRF got involved. We went to the meetings, protested the closing, and fishing was recently opened at Brookhaven.

This was all because more than a few guys were mad as hell and not willing to take it anymore.

Anyone here can PM me at anytime they get hassled at a spot where they have accessed legally, were fishing below the mean high tide line, and still got harassed anyway. I would be willing to come out and videotape any such areas, and offer video proof that we were not trespassing.

This won't get any better if you can't find the time to stand up and protest. I know it's a pita to get involved, and many of you will say "What's the point, I just want to fish, and don't need the hassles, I'll go somewhere else!"

But....what if "somewhere else" keeps getting restricted, and then one day you have no "somewhere else" to go??