Quote Originally Posted by DarkSkies View Post
Great points, finchaser.

, how many would be in agreement in entirely eliminating the 28" bonus bass tags? It wouldn't be much, but at least it would be a start.
I think you guys in Jersey are wack to begin with, How the sportsmen didn't fight to have that 28" bonus tag struck down I'll never know. We have to put up with one bass at 28" and one over 40", which means that most guys only keep one bass unless they're on a charter boat. So why can't that be the limit coastwide, one at 28" and one at 40", no bonus tags even for charters? And the charters should all be required to follow the same regs, no extra becasue they have a boat. I think the most distasteful thing to me as a sportsman is that I have to follow the regs for my state, while other states have different regs, as finchaser said. It really should be uniform, maybe then we can all rally together and feel like we're actually making some progress. My .02.