I don't have time to write my usual 30 paragraphs on this today, so I'll try to break it down simply. If you were an officer investigating a crime, you would focus on who was most likely to benefit from that crime.

My theories:

1. Fishermen derive the least benefit if those areas are destroyed. This action could have been done by a drunk or angry fisherman, but IMO that's a remote possibility, and less likely than the other groups that might have done it.

2. Teen vandalism -Teens or various groups that have been hanging there end of day. I remember what I did when I was a teen, especially after I had a few beers and smoked a few spliffs. I found teens at Brookhaven, LI were a large part of the problem for shoreham Beach. Yet this was mostly blamed on fishermen. This IMO is a greater possibility than a group of fishermen doing this, based on my experience.

3. Eco- groups - we remember that a similar action happened earlier in the season at Hatteras, where the plover closure season was extended because of vandalism. Who stands to benefit the most from extending these closures? IMO the environmental groups would benefit the most, and get extra publicity and contribution dollars when they solicit people for the fundraisers.

Again, I'm not accusing any one group, I'm just trying to start a conversation with people here about who is most likely to benefit from a closure.

As it stands, this year's closure has lasted longer than any one I can remember previously. I don't know how the eco-groups managed to pull that one off, guys, but rest assured the next year will be the same unless we are willing to peacefully protest and make our own waves so our rights aren't trampled on.

As for the closures and penalties, they are real, guys, If they spot you out there at Sandy Hook, you will be fined, so be careful.

A few members on this site were let go with written warnings, and the tickets are $75. They can chime in and tell you more if they want. So whether you agree with it or not, please be careful.

And if you're not happy about the length of the closures, let's get together and try to find a Senator or Representative who can help us for next year. The only way we can do this is with numbers of fishermen behind us. guys. 5 or 10 fishermen cannot make a difference in this specific situaltion.