Cool pics, man. I think up to 2 is ok for a guy, more than that and you have to break out the books with the Broadway show tunes. But if you have 2, and your wife has 2, that makes for a big family when ya get together. So that makes 5 in total that you and your wife have? How many litter boxes?

Mine is a himalayan, she's old and a little bit of a pita, but I got used to her bein around. I'll post some pics the next time I get a chance.

I've had dogs my whole life, and the cat thing seems a little wierd for a guy. The reason I like them is they're low maintenance. You can go away for 3 or 4 days, and not need someone to take care of em as long as you load up on the food and cat litter.

Monty, I think we might both know a guy who has a couple cats. He's a hetero dude, but he lives alone in Ocean Grove, with 2 cats, in a purple victorian, and is a hockey fanatic. I haven't seen him for awhile, but I can vouch that he's always on the hunt, and scores chicks big time. If ya didn't know him, those cats and the purple victorian would have ya wondering.

I think Mick might have some cats too, I remember a thread where he spent like $1000 or something like that, to save a family pet. Maybe he has some pics of his animals.