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Thread: Girl catches world record freshwater fish

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Default Girl catches world record freshwater fish

    The tiddler who caught a monster: Schoolgirl angler nets record catch that's twice her size and weighs 14stone

    By Daily Mail Reporter
    Last updated at 12:21 AM on 16th July 2009

    There should only have been one winner. On the riverbank was Jessica Wanstall, 4ft 10in tall weighing less than six stone (84lb) and something of a tiddler among anglers.
    In the river was a monster, a near 9ft catfish that hit the scales at a record 13st 8lb (193lb).

    But despite its size and whiskery age, the fish was no match for the skills of 11-year-old Jessica who waged a 20-minute battle to land her prize.

    What a catch: Jessica Wanstall with the 9ft-long, 14 stone catfish she caught during a trip to Spain's River Ebro

    Jessica, from Sittingbourne, Kent, hooked the fish during a trip with her father to the Ebro River in North-East Spain. She said: ‘I didn’t realise just how big it was until I saw the photos afterwards. I look tiny next to it.

    ‘My dad thought it was going to be a small one and I told him it didn’t feel small when I picked up the rod. It was really hard work pulling it in and my arms turned to jelly.

    ‘My dad helped lift it on to the bank and I just laughed when I saw it. It was massive.’

    Her father Mark, a 49-year-old engineer, helped return the catfish to the river after his daughter’s triumph was photographed.

    He said: ‘Jessica normally catches tiddlers but just loves a day’s fishing.

    Reeling it in: The 11-year-old schoolgirl needed help from her father Mark to heave the fish out of the water

    ‘As the fish got near we could see how big it was. Then its tail came out of the water and it looked like the Loch Ness Monster. Everybody on the bank was gasping. I’m so proud of her.’

    And so he should be.

    According to the International Game Fish Association, Jessica has set a world record for a freshwater fish caught by an angler aged 16 and under.

    ‘Her catfish easily outweighs the previous record - a 120lb Nile perch caught at Murchison Fall, Uganda, in July 2000,' a spokesman said.

    Read more:

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    I think that fish weighs more than they estimated it at. If you accept the measurement of a stone to be 8 lbs, somewhat commonly accepted over there, then that catfish would weigh 114 lbs. I wonder where they get 193?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Never mind. I just checked somewhere else and a stone is 14 lbs according to some sources. Those crazy Brits and their wacky measurements. Great catch, the catch of a lifetime for an 11 year old girl.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Great catch!!

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