Like any plug, there is no "one" correct way to fish needles.
Some folks love sinking needles, I prefer floaters.
I own at least 25 needles made by several of my buddies that build, and a slew of ones I build myself.
My favorite way to use needles;
1) at night with somewhat calm conditions is crawling slow retrieve so that the needle gives off a "V" wake as it comes in. Thrown across rips coming from the reefs this has accounted for some very nice Bass on even the smallest 4 inch needles I use.
2) even in semi rough water at daybreak or dusk, and probably during full daylight (which I seldom fish) I use a retrieve that resembles a spook type retrieve. With a high tip, and light snaps, it causes the needle to zig-zag. Sometimes I will pause and let the needle stop, sometimes I will keep it moving back and forth in a steady motion.
The thing I like best about these things, is that the strikes are almost always the most violent you will get from a Bass. Seems to **** them off for some reason.
I have also watched people use a rip it in type retrieve, working the plug very quickly with a tip snapping action to make it surge back and forth. This is usually with a sinking needle.