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Thread: Swine Flu

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Default Swine Flu

    I would like the option about taking this vaccine. I am thinking the politicians are reacting to fast in this case. Just another thing that pisses me off about the way this country is being run.

    $1000 Per Day Fine And 30 Days In Jail For Refusing The Swine Flu Vaccine In Massachusetts?
    A new law just passed in Massachusetts imposes fines of up to $1000 per day and up to a 30 day jail sentence for not obeying authorities during a public health emergency. So if you are instructed to take the swine flu vaccine in Massachusetts and you refuse, you could be facing fines that will bankrupt you and a prison sentence on top of that.
    White Water Monty 2.00 (WWM)
    Future Long Islander (ASAP)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Central Jersey


    The government steps in way to often. They are always trying to control us and our personal choices.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    I am very cautious as to what vaccines my kids get. When my oldest was an infant he received his DPT shot. It ended up he was allergic to the "P" and stopped breathing. He was in the hospital for 3 days.

    I am not too sure if I would comply. I would have to do research first.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2008


    I think there is a major trend in this area of them (the government) taking away our "freedom". Hopefully the Obama team can reverse this trend.

    Quote Originally Posted by buckethead View Post
    The government steps in way to often. They are always trying to control us and our personal choices.
    White Water Monty 2.00 (WWM)
    Future Long Islander (ASAP)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    I think that is because we "let" them take away our freedoms by not getting involved Monty. Take fishing and fluke regulations for example. There must be thousands of fishermen in NJ alone, when was the last time you saw them have a big protest about the crazy fluke regulations, one big enough that theb news organizations covered it? Too many people are happy to let others speak for them and then complain when it doesn't go their way. Uf they told me I had to take that vaccine or go to jail, I would take the jail time, I am sick of them stepping on our feet.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Monty View Post
    $1000 Per Day Fine And 30 Days In Jail For Refusing The Swine Flu Vaccine In Massachusetts?
    A new law just passed in Massachusetts imposes fines of up to $1000 per day and up to a 30 day jail sentence for not obeying authorities during a public health emergency. .
    I am with you in principle monty. I don't like thje government butting into my life any more than is minimally necessary. The only thing I would disagree with, is the last sentence I quoted says public health emergancy. It's one thing to get that illness and be individually harmed by it. I was warching the news last night and they said up to 30% of all populations could eventually be exposed to it or infected by it. Given those high numbers, I think, in certain cases, that the danger to public health supercedes the gestapo nature of the government's orders.

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