Striped bass fishing with planer boards out of Reedville Va.
Striped bass fishing with planer boards out of Reedville Va.
Somebody help me.what did i do wrong while trying to post the video.Any help would be apprecaited.
Thank you, Devin Cage
Capt Cage,
1. you need to put angle brackets [ ] , NOT the other brackets ( )around the youtube parameters, no spaces in between. Also make sure you use the / key not \ .
2. Take out the "watch?=" part. you only need the number/letter series after that, nothing else.
3. I left your original up there so you can maybe see what you did, and others may be able to learn as well. the first time you do it is a bit difficult. After you do it a few times, it becomes easier.
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Nice to have ya aboard, Capt!