Quote Originally Posted by DarkSkies View Post
Tica UEHA424401s 8' 1piece

I'm not gonna go into details but you put way too much time in, not to be catching some nicer fish. Contact me at the e-mail I gave ya, or contact me here. Tell me where I met ya and what you were using, and it's yours.

I'll try to post pics later when I get a chance.
Quote Originally Posted by mick2360 View Post
It was me dark, I admit it. I was using a bucktail I borrowed from some guy who neglected to bring pork rind. Inconsiderate ***! Do I get the TICA?

Mick, I didn't want to embarass the guy, but he told me he had been fishin for 5 years and hadn't yet caught a keeper bass. So if that's you, and you can name the town in New Jersey where he said he lived, I'll gladly send ya the rod tomorrow!

As for those guys who don't bring pork rinds with them when they're fishin M, that's an inexcusable sin, they should be thrown in the water and let the tide take them out to sea.