This is the time of the year when you want to fish teasers, folks. Don't be afraid to fish longer ones. Some of the sandeels out there are 9" long or more. In certain areas at night you will hear the bass plopping up to the surface to feast on these eels. You have to figure out where they are located.
Last year there was a significant amount 1/4 mile offshore, and less in the surf zone. This year so far it seems they are a lot closer. I do see the needlefish as well like Dark mentioned, but I try to concentrate on matching the profile of the sandeels.
The difficulty you will have is when they are balled up by the thousands. At that point you have to make your presentation stand out from the strongest concentrations. Of course it is easier to see this from a boat.
Try redgill or other similar teasers. 9" black or silver and black sluggos are a good night time presentation. I like to keep things simple so I always have a few redgills and sluggos in the bag this time of year.