I'm hoping others can chime in and add to this, but for now realize that these groups fought for 11 years!

They must have gotten discouraged at one point, but they didn't give up, they kept up the pressure. They let the politicians know they wouldn't go away, or let the issues fade with the new electorate. They kept pushing.

They finally got the legislation to limit boats from netting within 1 mile or something like that.

That allegedly has been appealed and as of today they have access to within 3/10 of a mile. That still stands for something. And all from a group of guys who had the stamina to battle our politicians, corrupt cronyism agreements, and entrenched commercial fishing gov't lobbyists, until they got what they wanted.

So the reason for the great Srring bass blasts at the NJ jettylines and near shore areas is directly affected by the hard pioneering work of the JCAA.

The next time ya catch a 50 in the spring, without Ron and the guys you might not have had that chance.

I would appreciate the perspectives from anyone who also had personal experience at that time with the bunker boats. I know there are those who feel that maybe it shouldn't have happened that way because more bass are killed now, but it is what it is because of the law allowing possession without a slot limit. If you're not happy with that - contact the politicians and let's get a serious dialogue going.

As to Ron, Finchaser, Joe Melillo, and the JCAA, a special thanks from me for your hard work, and having the persistence to not give up. You definitely passed on some more inspiration to me when I begin to doubt if any of these complaints, investigations, or fighting for fishermens' rights are worth it.