here are some bands for ya to check out,,,

Band Album Title

Krisiun- Assassination
Kataklysm- in the arms of devastation
Cyclone- Brutal Destruction
Dark Angel- Darkness Descends
Terrorspawn- Channeling the quintessence of death
Trouble - Plastic green head
Diabolic Possession - Ripped to pieces
Ravensthorn -Hauntings and Possessions
1349 -Beyond The Apocalypse
Pentacle -Under The Black Cross
Evil Incarnate -Waiting for His Return
Legion Of The Dammned- Cult Of The Dead
Candlemass -Tales Of Creation
Avenger Of Death -Death Brigade
Merciless Death -Evil In The Night & Realm Of Terror
Acheron -Rebirth[Metamorphosing into godhood]
Destruction -All Hell Breaks Loose

Thats my metal list for today