I neglected to put this thread up earlier, sorry. I was trying to finish up a few things to get in on the crazy bite, but the weather put a crimp in those plans. Congrats to the lucky few who were able to be out this AM.

I was talking to a friend who's a Veteran today, all the fishin talk we did, I forgot to thank him for his service.

There are thousands of Vets out there, not just WWI, WWIII, Korea, Vietnam, but from Afghanistan, Iraq, Grenada, and many who served during peacetime, but served their country nonetheless. I heard on the radio that NJ alone has 452, 000 vets living here.

My Dad was a Vet. My brother is one too. Some of my uncles as well, living and dead.

Mike, Nashif, who runs the "Take a Soldier fishing" program, and is a member here, is a Vet who helps other vets. If you have a chance, take a look at these threads.

Take a soldier fishing:

Tribute to fallen soldiers:

I hereby offer a warm and hearty "Thank you!!!" to all the Vets out there.

Whether you served in a war or not, your decision to enlist and serve your country was a noble one not everyone would make.

We live in a society where selfishness is the norm, and everyone who makes the decision to enlist commits the ultimate act of "selfless -ness". Their reasons and motives are varied, but they still put themselves at risk. Some pay with their time, others have paid with their lives.

Please try to thank someone you know who's a vet. It doesn't have to be today, it can be any day you run into them. I thanked quite a few retired Vets over the weekend when I saw the hats they were wearing on the beach.

Getting thanks from a stranger for serving your country.....

that never gets old.

So if you were occupied with other things today and didn't get to thank someone, say it tomorrow, or the next day, whenever you get the chance. The only significance for today is to set aside a day to remember them. You can thank them any day of the year, and believe me, it means a lot to them.

Thanks for reading.