We were kind of throwing metal, kind of fooling around with bait, weeks-old stinky bunker, to be exact.

G had casted a Ritz cracker sized piece of bunker, and we were out on the bar plugging as well. All of a sudden his rod (on the beach) started to bounce.

That crazy emmeffer did the 50 yard dash in 10 secs. He made a superman LEAP over the trough at the last minute from the exposed sandbar, He Almost made it, but failed to clear the last 2 feet of deep water, and got a little wet.

He's my good friend, but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy a laugh at his expense when things fall apart. And I did have a good laugh. You'll notice the water dripping off him as he reels the fish in.

But..... he saved the day at the last second, grabbed the rod before it went in the water, and landed the fish. So he gets props for that, it's all good.

We had a blast even though not many fish were around.

G, ya can make fun of me anytime, feel free.

Here's the video: