It's gonna be a long cold winter. I wondered if any of you on here are intimidated by Finchaser? And maybe a little afraid to make fun of him.

So I thought, with good intentions, if some of those who never met him before could come up with some pics of what ya THINK he might look like, based on his posts here.

I think for those who never met him, it could be fun, and keep us from dyin of boredom when the bass are gone (BTW I think he officially declared that already, or might be declaring it today.)

So don't be afraid to take a good-hearted poke at Finchaser. He can't chase you from the Internet, and it could be a blast!

Here's the question:
What do you think Finchaser would look like, if you never met him and were just going by his internet personality?

Put up pics, cartoons, images, movie clips, songs, or anything you feel might give us a laugh.

Best post wins a plug, to be decided by Pebbles.
Winner will be chosen March 1. 2010.

All right, ya's can start pokin the BASSTURD now!