Quote Originally Posted by Simp View Post
This is a GREAT topic and one that EVERYONE, and especially NEWCOMERS to this fine sport, should read frequently! I can't really add anything that hasn't been listed already, but I will definitely emphasize the need to familiarize yourself with the water that you'll be fishing the most.
Some guys start at the Hook and end up at Cape May, and that's great, but it's almost impossible to really learn and remember that much water and the structure that's under it.
Pick a stretch of beach and learn it like you know your house when the lights are off. Knowing where every hump, hole, cut and bar is will do more for your fish-catching abilities than covering 40 miles of coast by making Banzai runs.
Great topic and some real knowledge on the site, so new-comers, listen up!
good advice dude and also listen if ur fishing near a guy who is banging the fish dont crowd that dude or u wll blow it and pay attention your line will get hit sooner or later if u keep it tite and no slack thats most important when the surf is big.