Quote Originally Posted by Monty View Post
It seems like Lubchenco is very conservative. Is she shutting down commercial fishing also?
Lubchenco is Conservative so long as it pertains to the people buttering her Bread. Some of the things she and her cronies are proposing make me toss in my mouth a bit.

I agree with DSkies Stripers Forever is truly focused on Striped bass conservation and trying like hell to open ears and minds to what is really going on with fisheries management.

Other reasons you should join Stripers Forever

1. The group is 100 percent volunteer based and runs it self strictly on donations. Not a single dime of money that comes into that group, does not go to Conservation efforts

2. Many of the Founding members of Stripers forever have lived through the Striper wars and the moratorium and have seen the Ebb and Flow of Striper Populations.

3. They propose sound management of stocks while eliminating commercial fishing.

Un Like the NJ bonus tag system the current Gamefish Bill in MA proposes the entire MA quota be earmarked for conservation not returned to the national quota or slated for rec. take.

In fact they actually propose eliminating a keeper per outing per rec angler. Reducing the take to one per day.

I understand people think comm fisherman and recreational fisherman each have a place on the water but from where I stand any time a fish has a dollar sign attached to its head the dollar sign becomes more important than the fish.

The more members SF has the bigger voice it has with law makers.