Some tips for registering:

It is important to register using an active email address (even if you create one specifically for this site) you have to go back to this email address to activate this account before you can log in.

1) Click register or join our community

2) You will be directed to a series of questions. Only certain questions are required to proceed to the next step. Some personal questions can be left blank if you choose to do so. You also have options of not receiving e-mail or communication from others. Put in whatever choice you feel comfortable with. You can always modify later.

3) When you are finished an email will be sent to the email address you provided. It must be a valid e-mail address for you to register. You can always create a new e-mail address at many ISPs. This new address can be used just for online communication, and other sites like this. This is one way of protecting the personal e-mail you use every day.

4) Please be aware that sometimes the mail is channeled into your spam folder, so check your spam folder if you haven't received anything. It does take several minutes for it to be sent.

5) Open that email, then click on the link to complete the registration process.

6) Some people have had trouble registering. Please remember to activate your account by going back to your registered email and clicking the activation link.

Important to remember that the user id and password is case sensitive so you need to type it in exactly as you registered.

If you have trouble please contact us.

To work the smilies, people might have to enter their
user cp account.

Smilies -- Go to "Edit options"

Scroll down to the bottom of the page and change "standard" to "Enhanced interface".

Any other questions please feel free to contact us.