Quote Originally Posted by mick2360 View Post
Saw Will this weekend. We had a cigar and swapped Dark Skies stories. Dude, you are a legend!

Mick the only time I even came close to being a legend was when I was 18, and thought I was a legend with the ladies. I thought I was so smooth I was as cool as LL CoolJ.

In reality I was way out there on a cloud of delusion.
It's been all downhill from there, Mick.

Now, the only legendary thing about me is I proudly carry a labeled white bucket when baitfishin that proclaims my Googanism and Effumall club membership at the same time.

I'm probably the only person on the East Coast to do that.

The real legends are the people you and I know and fish with...
Will, for his legendary ability to read the water and see fish beneath the surface based on time and tide...and his flycasting ability...

Finchaser, for all the early political things he and his buddies did for the fantastic fishery we have today...his ability to pull a fish out of a rain puddle when no one else can..his abilty with his overbearing personality to stay alive and not have been poisoned yet by his girlfriend for being such a grouchy basstard....

The Old Farts Fishing Club, for having lived through the moratorium and hammering their stories into me so I can pass them on to others...and their ability to use common plastic lures to outfish guys half their age using expensive costom wood..

Guys here like Surfwalker, Stripercoast1/Gunny, Clamchucker, Rip-plugger, JimmyZ, and many others you and I have fished with in the fishing world whose dedication is exemplary...

Another friend of mine who can actually smell bass when he smells bunker, without spotting them first.

All the old timers like John Skinner, Vito Orlando, Willy Young, and the guys from that generation that paved the way and learned the tricks before there was an internet to teach it to them...

And the newer generation of extreme fishermen like Rich Swiss, Crazy Alberto, Zeno, and many others who have shared their success, making it easier for the new guy to get a grasp of the fundamentals...

When I look at all the guys like that out there, and many unknown "shadows in the night" fanatic anglers I've met out there, the only legend I want to claim is the googan bucket one..

I'm just happy to be able to fish along side guys like that once in a while.