Quote Originally Posted by rip316 View Post
OK. I get down to my spot this morning to see one guy by himself. I say to him "good morning, any room for me?" The guy just mumbled. SO I just stay to myself fishing close to him but not up his arse.

Now two other gentlemen walk to about 40' from me and start gettin ready to fish. They end up leaving their crap all over the place and leave to go fish off to my right.

Now like I said there is this guy and we will call him Ivan Drago. this is the guy from the beginning of the story. I am off to the left and maybe ten feet away but, we have room.

Now another guy comes up and we will call him Jackie Chan. I have to use the names for a purpose -- please start to get into this story.

Jackie walks right by me an starts to set up right next to Ivan who now looks at me as if to say "what is this guy nuts?"

OK now it gets good. Jackie standing right next to Ivan rears back ready to cast and Ivan moves out of the way.
"Good move", I say to him, and now he smirks.

Jackie is rearin back as he gets ready to cast his 11' rod with a mighty heave! Not looking, his rig wraps around something and I am saying to myself " THIS ISN'T GOING TO BE GOOD!"

As he makes his cast he rips his rig into this thing, the line snaps, the sinker flies off into Ivan's rod, clam is everywhere!

Jackie looks at Ivan as his rod is on the ground and says "soddi!"
Ivan lets loose with " what the eff are you doing?!!!"
"are you some kind ov an ahole? ( with the whole IVAN DRAGO ACCENT)

I was pissing my pants. Now, Ivan is my boy and tells me what an ahole this guy is.

After all this I do not realize there is another guy walking up behind me and getting ready to fish. To my utter amazement he puts on a CROCODILE with a piece of clam attached and starts to heave this right by my ear!

I do not need ear jewelry this big people.
So I decide to leave and make my way outta there unscathed. That's my unbelievable story.
strange but true.

This would of made a great video.