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Thread: Sticky: How to Embed youtube videos

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Default Sticky: How to Embed youtube videos

    OK folks. If you want to post videos, it will be easier for everyone to see if you use this format.

    Try the following format:" youtube " "value" " /youtube " (but without the quotes, and using brackets [ ] around the youtube parts)

    1. You first type:" youtube " (without the quotes, and put a bracket " [" before the "y" and "]" after the "e")

    2. Then, c&p the ID from youtube (the "value"). This will include copying ALL the letters after the "V=" part, up to but not including the & part. Insert this ID right after your first part, no spaces.

    3. Then, you type:" /youtube " (NO spaces between the value, and this, or it will not work. You will also type brackets around that "/youtube", as described above/)

    Everything should look EXACTLY as it is portrayed above. No spaces between anything, just text.

    Pretty simple. Give it a try.

    Hey guys you can now open vimeo videos on our site as well, and we're working on embedding some others. Just add the code the same as you would with youtube, but with the vimeo parameters below:

    vvvimeo ID letters/vv

    Don't forget to put the brackets [ ] on each side of the vv identifiers.
    Last edited by DarkSkies; 02-08-2010 at 01:39 AM. Reason: Added Vimeo code.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Default How to PLAY Vimeo or Youtube videos if you have an older PC

    The key complaint I've been hearing from people about opening the videos is that they don't play right or are choppy. This usually means your PC may be older and not have enough RAM memory.

    My PC is older and I've had some of those issues as well. Realizing that not everyone has the most modern PC, I put together some tips to make the viewing easier and more seamless.

    The key piece of advice I can give is let the video load first. That way it won't appear so choppy. Also, unless you have a PC less than 5 years old, turn the "HD is on" switch on the right of the video "Off".

    Hope that, and the suggestions below, help. Feel free to post up any other problems you are having loading videos, and I'll try to help.

    Here's some tips:

    1. If you have an older PC, older than 5 years, this video may not load correctly because you might not have enough RAM. I'm shooting in almost HD quality, so that takes up more RAM than some of the videos out there.

    2. If this is the case for you, try this:
    a. Load the video by clicking on the arrow at the bottom. The " > " arrow at the bottom left is how you open it.

    b. If it is choppy or slow, you should let it begin to load first, takes approx 30 secs. You will know it is loading as you see the gray bar spread across the bottom of the screen (the blue bar coincides with the actual progress of the video as it plays) . The gray bar indicates it's loading in your cache memory.

    c. As the gray bar is at least halfway across the screen, and the blue bar is progressing, and you are hearing the choppy video, take your mouse and MOVE the BLUE progress line BACK about halfway the amount that has just been played. Click the blue it again to re-start, if it stops. .

    d. This should "slow" things down enough that most of the video will already have been put in your cache files and will play normally (almost)

    e. If you still get choppy video, you should repeat by dragging the blue bar slightly back as it is playing. This will ensure that the video never gets ahead of the memory capacity.

    f. You can also get better video response for a HD video like this if you close out most of the other windows you have open. They all take up memory, and a video like this will bog down all but the newest computers that have at least 4GB of ram.

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