Sent in by Surfstix, thanks!

Fri Mar 12, 2010 at 01:32:55 PM PDT

This collection of "Mr Fixit" pics should reaffirm your deeply held admiration for the male of the species, and coincidentally confirm the extreme unlikelihood of human survival in the longer term.

I posted these because my own step-father, may he rest in peace, used to spend at least half of his spare time "fixing" things, even when it was crystal clear that a particular object was beyond repair. This pictorial diary is dedicated to all men who strive to become DIY gods!

That's kind of clever though. God knows the shopping cart hath many uses!

That's borderline carelessness. Imagine if the driver has to suddenly accelerate!

I've seen this done too many times!

Not a good idea if one feels sick...

Is it a bird-feeder, a letterbox or an afterthought?

Ha! The dripping taps fix! Don't be in a hurry to brush your teeth!

That's a clear case of reverse myopia! Reminds me of Larson's cartoon about sign which says: put on pants first!

Stairway to Heaven. Nuff said.

Those cheap CD's freely given within Sunday newspapers have another lease on life! Just do not attempt to fill up on gas!

From the Pumpkin coach to that? I hope Cinderella had a grand old time...

Doctor, I can't find my drip!!

Shopping cart use number 67!

Who knew lego was so popular?

I hope this guy has a strong back!

That's my favorite. I can relate to that. Why can't I grill several at once? Then clear the leaves.

Dumbest of the dumbest: do not try this in your pool, you might feel a fizz! or a sizzle...

That must be what Pete Townshend had in mind when he wrote the line "air-conditioned gypsy"

Spot the anomaly here...

I have no words for this. I shudder just looking at it...counting endless possibilities...