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Thread: Limbaugh: Obama plan should outrage 9/11 victims

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    Default Limbaugh: Obama plan should outrage 9/11 victims

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    Limbaugh: Obama Plan Should Outrage 9/11 Victims

    Wednesday, 07 Apr 2010 10:07 PM

    Rush Limbaugh used his radio program Wednesday to lash out against President Obama’s plan to censor the word “Islamic radicalism” from a National Security document that deals with threats confronting America.

    Obama advisers say the new version emphasizes that the U.S. does not view Muslim nations through the lens of terrorism.

    But the change is a radical shift in the National Security Strategy, a document that previously outlined the Bush Doctrine of preventive war. It currently states, "The struggle against militant Islamic radicalism is the great ideological conflict of the early years of the 21st century."

    Limbaugh, America’s number one rated conservative host, thinks the Obama initiative is dangerous.

    On his show Limbaugh said:
    • ”Obama and his idealists, young whippersnappers, think the United States is the problem. We are attacked because we deserve to be. We have been imperialists, we've overstepped our bounds in the world, it's totally understandable why they would attack us and commit acts of terror against us. So what do we need to do? We need to go in there and build them schools, and we need to get them health care, and we need to talk to them about science. Meanwhile, we do not have the money for this.”
    • I ask a question? Maybe somebody can help me with this. What are we doing having relationships with the Muslim world anyway? Do we have a relationship with the Catholic world? Do we have a relationship with the Buddhist world? Do we have a relationship with the Jewish world? Well, if we did, Obama's taken care of that. But we don't have relations with religious worlds.”
    • ”If we can't call Islamic radicals ‘Islamic radicals,’ we shouldn't call rapists "rapists." We should call them ‘uninvited perpetrators,’ or ‘penetrators,’ if you wish. Murderer? Do you think people like being called a murderer, even if they are? Do you think that's going to forge a decent relationship with murderers?”
    • ”So the premise is we deserve it. We should have been hit. It's time we face the facts, and to prevent them from hitting us again, we have to acknowledge that. Stop calling them Islamic radicals, stop calling them terrorists, instead build them hospitals. I can't imagine what it must be like to be in a family who lost someone in 9/11 to hear about this guy's plans for the Muslim world. I can't imagine what it was like when they found out that this government was willing to spend $200 million a year in security for the people who blew up the World Trade Center in a civil trial. I can't imagine the anger they must have felt.”

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Long Island,N.Y.


    He just doesn't want his family and friends to be called names I wish he was a suicide bomber that would be great give him the damn virgins as long as we get rid of him.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    we have a terrorist in the white house.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Long Island,N.Y.


    As far as I'm concerned we do.But opinions are like a-holes everyong has got one.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    ”Obama and his idealists, young whippersnappers, think the United States is the problem. We are attacked because we deserve to be. We have been imperialists, we've overstepped our bounds in the world, it's totally understandable why they would attack us and commit acts of terror against us. So what do we need to do? We need to go in there and build them schools, and we need to get them health care, and we need to talk to them about science. Meanwhile, we do not have the money for this.”

    That is a problem that Bush undeservedly started because his daddy couldn't win it so he had to. The reason we don't have the money is because we have been fighting this "war" and tearing Iraq to shreds in the process. Yes it is Imperialism and never should have been started. Ridiculous.

    People make such a big deal about health care and what that will cost. We would be in good shape if it weren't for this "war"

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Long Island,N.Y.


    The Bush family may have started this war which is out of control and granted spending way too much money on it and as far as I am concerned we should stay the hell out of all other countries business and conflicts if they want to kill each other let them thats there choice but I still don't see Obama pulling out the troops either what is his excuse for a continuation of the war and still spending trillions of $$$ on it Bush is gone he can do what he wants, pull the troops guard our borders and let these people do what they want and keep the illegals out if they cannot come here like other immigrants did and contribute to the country get out I'm tired of paying for them so Obama can push his AMNESTY through so he can get votes.What part of every tax that we pay stays in this country NADA thats why China owns us so lets make new taxes and justify it that way I don't know how well off you are but most of the American public is bordering on Bankruptcy whats the almighty going to say then if you can't afford to live here go somewhere else.Crap I thought the Kennedy's were brazen this guy beats them all he has no clue what the hell he is doing and if you don't believe that I'll see you on the bread line.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Since Bush decided to install a completely ineffective government in Iraq, we don't have much choice but to fix it or their will be more bloodshed than there is now. We are pulling troops from Iraq.
    In Afghanistan, if Bush would have stuck to his guns in the first place and tried to accomplish what he set out to do in the first place the Obama wouldn't have to put more troops back in to finish the job.

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