Week in Review 6-16-08

New Jersey

This has been another spectacular week for surfcasters in NJ, folks. The caveat to that is: "Right place, right time".

Some people are catching more and bigger fish than they ever dreamed possible, because they are right in the middle of the bunker blitzes. Others will be as close as a 1/2 mile away, and catch nothing, despite the same or greater efforts to land one of these huge striped bass, which are scooping up the bunker like vacuum cleaners.

This brings me to my theory that there are less bass. I'm starting to sound like a broken record, but am just asking that people consider this as a possibility, and educate yourselves. Comments are always welcome.


In any event, I am continuing to urge people to get out there and fish!

This may be the last week the large bass feed on the bunker.

As the schools move through and the ocean temps shoot up, the fish will gradually move our of our area, or may be gone overnight. You never know with this type of fishing.

If you are lucky enough to find this kind of fishing, please be very considerate of the homeowners who live there on those streets. This access can be lost very easily, and once lost, will not be re-gained.

And although it is everyone's right to keep 2 bass over 28", if you have enough to feed your family please consider letting some of these bass go, as many of the bigger ones are over 20 years old.

Catch 'em up!! -- bunkerjoe

New York Week in Review

Folks, the back bays have warmed up to provide some fine fishing. The best bass fishing is still at night or low-light times, but bass are being caught at other times now in areas of fast-moving water.

Bluefish are blitzing. There are still large bunker filtering in the back bays, and a tremendous amount of small bait, particularly spearing, in places. The shad are still migrating in the inlet areas, and will provide some fine light tackle fun if you want to take your kids fishing.

Bunker and clams are being used to catch bass, sea robins, bluefish, skates, etc. But plugging with wood, plastic, and rubber baits is now equally as effective at times.

The back bays will eventually heat up, pushing the bulk of the bigger fish into the oceans, but places like the Sound, and some of the bigger bays, should have them for a good part of the summer. Good luck out there!